4 Ways You Can Improve Your Lash Nap

There are naps… then there are LASH naps. Lash naps give a whole new meaning to “beauty sleep.” Coming in, taking a snooze + opening your eyes to fresh, full eyelashes… literally nothing better. Here’s 4 ways you can make that lash nap go from a solid 10 to a 12. It’s that serious!

  1. Bring Those Headphones.

Although the girls at Aura Lash + Beauty Co. have a bomb Spotify playlist going throughout the day… it’s still nice to block out any surrounding sounds with your own jams. If you’re not in the mood to listen to music… we recommend even trying a guided meditation or soothing sounds to really unwind your day. Or get lost in your favorite audio book! Looking for a blast of info or a good laugh? Try a podcast! (Marissa’s go-to podcasts are The Skinny Confidential + The Armchair Expert! Check them out.)

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2. Ditch The Caffeine.

Yeah, I said it… put down the venti. Caffeine can not only cause your eyelids to flutter… but it also makes your mind wander and your body get fidgety. Want a good snooze? Lay off the coffee before your lash appointment to make unwinding a little easier + help promote that much needed relaxation!

3. Bring Your Fav Blanket.

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Since COVID-19 took a hit on the way we provide comfort items to our clients… we no longer have sheets or blankets on our lash beds. But, you are more than welcome to bring your own fav blanket to snuggle up with to make your experience that much cozier! We keep the studio at 71 degrees at all times, and with the cooler weather rolling in… it’s time to get real cozy. Weighted blankets, heated blankets, Grandma’s hand-knitted blankets… you name it, you can bring it!

4. Dress Comfy!!!

Lash naps can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours depending on your appointment! Either way, the appointment time can be lengthy so be sure to dress comfortable. We’re talking sweatpants with the baggiest sweatshirt you can find. Switch the sneaks’ for some slippers or big, cozy socks… no shame in the comfort game!

Also… if you didn’t hear, we’ve upgraded our lash beds! Out with the old, in with the new. We’re upgraded our lash beds to brand new recliners to give you the best experience possible. Ready to book your lash nap + see what the hype is all about? Visit our online booking site- www.vagaro.com/aurabeautyma, and choose a date/time that works best for you.

Let’s get lashed. Let’s get cozy. See you soon! #CozyLashGang.


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